6/6/80: Attempt by presbytery to meet with leaders of TCP rebuffed
11/25/80: Presbytery votes to supersede TCP session and dissolve the church's pastoral relationship with Rev. Polhemus; Rev. Roe Jonston appointed to pulpit
11/20/81: Rev. Dr. Warren Rempel installed as temporary stated supply (left September 1999)
9/15/82: Formal separation of the congregations/assets of TCP and Living Word
1/28/83: New session established; administrative commission dissolved
12/16/90: First Christmas Music Festival held with St. Anne's Catholic Church
6/93: Patience Cairns Kemp deeds pasture to church with viewing easement
1/20/95: Congregation votes to enlarge building
12/22/96: dedication held for enlarged building
9/26/99: Rev. Dr. Rempel Retires
3/26/00: CLP Revel Leody commissioned as interim pastor (left November 2002)
11/15/02: Rev. Robert J.A. Harrison begins service as pastor
3/9/03: Rev. Harrison installed as pastor
11/12/06: Session votes to establish board of deacons
12/3/06: Congregation votes to establish board of deacons
7/5/09: Rev. Dr. David C. Heil begins service as pastor
Trinity Pastoral Succession
October 1937: Organized under Rev. H. Ray Anderson
October 1937-August 1942: Supply pastors:
Rev. Charles Hulac
Rev. Edward Bellinger
Rev. George Edmundson
August 1942-May 1943: Rev. William Hage
June 1945-April 1951: Rev. Stephen J. Shane
June 1951-February 1955: Rev. John M. Orr
May 1956-August 1959: Rev. Sterling Alam
December 1960-April 1962: Rev. Charles Brightwell
May 1964-December 1967: Rev. Donald D. Shoemaker
May 1968-November 1973: Rev. James C. Kenney
October 1974-August 1977: Rev. R. Stanley Wallace
October 1978-November 1980: Rev. J. R. Plhemus
November 1980-November 1981: Rev. Roe Johnston appointed by presbytery
November 1981-September 1999: Rev. Dr. Warren Rempel, temporary stated supply
March 2000-November 2002: CLP Revel Leody, interim pastor
November 2002-December 2007: Rev. Robert J. A. Harrison